Sales training workshops

bespoke sales training Jason cooper

Essential Selling Skills Training Agenda

Day 1 Introduction & Objectives

How to Be A High performing Sales Person We start by looking at the differences between average salespeople and those at the top of their profession.

What makes them so unique?

What makes an outstanding salesperson?

Finally, how does COVID-19 change the selling landscape and what it means to you as a salesperson?

Whats your passion what mindset do you need to have?

Understanding the Sales Process Learn the different stages of the sales cycle.

How is a sale made? What will influence a decision?

How buying decisions are processed in our prospect's brain!

What you need to do to influence their decision.

The use of effective Social selling – LinkedIn masterclass.

When not to hide under technology and use the phone or web calls to make an impact.

Demo from the clients perspective.


Learning How To Understand Your Prospects Needs Learn how to step into the client's shoes and see the situation from their position. Then, learn how to adapt your approach based upon what they want.

Learn how to position yourself, your company and your product in light of what they want and how they want it.

The Techniques & Communication Skills of Superstar Sales People Learn how to ask the right questions at the right time. Learn different selling techniques and models.

Consultative and collaborative selling models.

How to build a effective story.

Learn how to listen attentively and use the information that the prospect gives you to your advantage.

Learn how to read body language and buying signals.

Learn how to build effortless rapport with your prospect.

Close Day 2


Recap & The Day Ahead How To Overcome Objections & Excuses?

Learn how to overcome the negative responses that you receive from your prospect and how to turn these around into positive situations.

Learn how to overcome price objections, learn how to overcome stalling.

How to Get To The Close & Ask For The Business So many people feel uncomfortable asking for the business, but this need not be the case. During this session, you will cover some strategies for identifying buying signals, knowing when the right time is to close, and how to close down more prospects than you ever have before.

Lunch How To Make Effective Sales Presentations & Sales Calls?

Learn how to plan out and structure sales presentations, sales calls and talks.

Learn how to work out what to focus on and what style to deliver the presentation in.

Business Development Over The Telephone How to generate leads and appointments over the telephone.

Cold calling techniques, essential telesales skills, opening statements, how to get through the gatekeeper.

What to do if you are going down a dead end. Actual words, sentences, terminology and phrases to use – we'll give them to you! What to do if your mind goes blank.

How to respond over the telephone to responses like: –

"I haven't got the time."
"Call me back later."

– "We are using someone else."

– "We don't have the budget."

– "I'm not interested."

– "Just send me some information."

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