I'm part of three Clubhouse groups as a moderator, including this new one above called the B2B sales magic accountability group.
This made me think about being more accountable for our actions as a salesperson, business persona and an entrepreneur. He is some thoughts about what you can do to make yourself more accountable to your own goals, growth and development.
If you're an entrepreneur, then it's likely that you've found yourself in a situation where your team is asking for accountability. Of course, the last thing you want to do is let them down, but what about when it comes to holding yourself accountable? This was one topic that came up often during my interviews with entrepreneurs on my podcast shows, and the list of six ways to hold yourself accountable below can help anyone achieve their goals.
1) On conversations with the likes of Owen Fitzpatrick, he puts everything in his Diary as a to-do list and takes responsibility that if it's in the diary, it has to be done. So he writes down a do list and maintains this if it's written down from pen to paper, you can actually see what needs to be done.
Quote from Owens Blog
"The first thing is to figure out if something is worth doing. Is it fun? Is it lucrative? Does it help you improve in some way or challenge you? Will it be good for you? Questions like these help you determine whether or not it is, indeed, worthwhile.
Second, when you have decided what to do, schedule it all in. Many people only schedule meetings with other people. It is critical that you think about projects in a similar way to the way you think about meeting other people"
2) There are many benefits to be gained from self-review. I find that it keeps me motivated and ensures that I am giving 100% of my effort at all times. As an entrepreneur, it's important that you are brutally honest with yourself. In the end, it's you that is responsible for your success or failure. I'm constantly reviewing my own performance, and I'm not afraid to tell myself when my performance is not up to par.
3) What are micro-goals?
If you're anything like me, when you hear the word "goal", it automatically conjures up images of a gigantic undertaking. Whether it's something on your bucket list or a long-term goal, these words can feel so daunting that they stop us in our tracks before we even get started. But what if I told you there was another way to look at this idea of "goals"?
Micro goals are small tasks that contribute to reaching larger and more.
4) How do you keep yourself accountable for your goals? This is a question that many people struggle with. One way to do this is by finding somebody who will hold you accountable for your actions. For example, you could find someone or a group of people in the same situation as you and form an accountability circle, where they meet up once every week and each shares their progress towards their goal. There are also other ways, such as creating public pledges on social media, telling a friend about what you're going to do.