Humans are creatures of habit and need to have places that keep us on track, such as a certain chair or area within the house for working, depending on the size of the house. If your home office is in the bedroom, make sure you try to have this set up only for work, as the mind usually anchors itself to the bedroom for sleep and not work, so make sure you stop work a couple of hours before sleep and go somewhere else in the house.
2) Science has proven that some people work better in the mornings to produce results, so if you are a salesperson, as an example you might want to reach out to your prospects in the morning. Set yourself hourly goals to achieve a certain number of calls etc. and mark achievements, like getting a coffee, stretching and walking around your house or even having a chat with a colleague by phone.
3) Build-in positive affirmations in what you do, so plan for a social activity every day so that you can reach to people on your team or even other parts of the business. Reach out to your colleagues and take time out to have a virtual coffee with them as you would normally within the office to talk about business or general stuff to keep you connected. Belong to networking groups within your business or outside so that you can keep on top of your industry and connect with peers. It’s amazing when you help people, your endorphins get a kick and you start to feel good.
4) Set up work boundaries if you are in work mode and switch off distractions that are around you.
a. Put your mobile in another room so you’re not tempted
b. Notifications and email etc. turn off unless you set up time in your day to reply to emails in the afternoon for an hour or so.
c. Everything in easy reach - pens, paper, microphones, printer paper and other necessary resources.
5) Surround yourself with green plants, as science has taught us when you are around plants or if your facing a garden your mind seems to be more relaxed and can increase productivity according to Science Daily “plants make staff happier and more productive than 'lean' designs stripped of greenery, new research shows.”
Want to learn these skills and or be coached to more effective in your sales - email me
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