Here are 15 ways to help you build credibility with your clients ?
In a world where there are so much information and misinformation, it cannot establish credibility. Luckily, you don't have to look too far for great advice on how to do just that.
✅Get a referral
from someone who has had a positive experience with your product or service.
✅Get a testimonial
from one of your satisfied customers or case studies that show the benefits of using your company's products/services.
✅Write a summary
of your experience, strengths and skills that the hiring manager might be interested in.
✅Please remember
to be respectful of the competition, not show them any lack of respect, regardless if you think they’re wrong.
✅Increase your LinkedIn
connections and stay in touch with them and optimise your profile, keeping it up to date with the latest relevant details on who you serve and your value.
✅Do what you say- It seems simple enough, but, as the saying goes, common sense is seldom common practice.
✅Ask Better questions; in other words, ask better questions and spend 70% of your time listening to the answers. That will make it easier for you to understand and remember what they say about problems your business is facing.
✅As part of your research efforts, research and gather the demographics of your customer. Spend extra time on this as there is a stack of information that you can find out more about your customer online. Social media will tell you all of the most up to date knowledge on your customer, and it's great to know that you're an authority on their needs.
✅Writing for a company blog
is another way to gain the credibility needed as a sales professional. It will get you noticed and will definitely make your clients appreciate you and show your interest in them.
✅Never represent a product or service inaccurately.
For example, if your business offers consulting services and tells customers that their project is nearly done when it still needs another six months of work, they will not be satisfied with the progress.
✅It is always unethical to accept or offer bribes
or gifts to manipulate the decision-making process. Still, bribery in exchange for access may be allowed depending on the circumstances, if it's a trial or in beta mode.
✅If there are problems that develop after the sale,
please refrain from making excuses and placing blame. Instead, take immediate action to solve the problem.
✅Don’t withhold bad news when you should share it
with the person because that will only make things worse. If you think the customer will be upset when you tell them the bad news
✅Ensure that all of your other sales professionals have a positive
relationship with their accounts before you start working on closing any deals.
To prevent price mismatches and dissatisfaction, please keep all pricing within the same company to be consistent. If you see at different prices, you could poison and kill any account if this is ever discovered, especially in similar industries. ( Most industries are close communicates and do socialise more that you think with each other. )