However you see it, sales is a human connection between one person and another - now, with a bit of technology called neuroscience, we can help people to sell better based on how our brains work and operate.
We know that people buy on emotions, so why do people sell on facts and figures. the limbic system, which is the CPU of the brain, takes far too long to study facts and figures—our emotional brain shortcuts directly to our neo-neocortex root brain.
What’s the secret? New brain science is now showing that there are simple neuroscience-based keys to selling. Here’s how it works:
Recent research from Sirius Decisions revealed that buyers
VALUE sales conversations that deliver relevant industry
and business expertise 4X more than conversations around
products and solutions.
Executive buyers today want a sales professional to deliver
valuable INSIGHT that will highlight issues they weren’t aware
and show how to solve them!
It’s no secret that customers don’t buy from companies; they buy from people they TRUST and find CREDIBLE. As evidence, the Corporate Executive Board found that 53% of all buying decisions were dictated by the interactions
and conversations executives had with the field sales organization. In fact, FIELD INTERACTION had more impact
than product (19%), brand loyalty (19%), and price (9%) combined.
That’s the good news! The bad news is that in a similar study, Forrester found that 89% of all sales calls FAIL to create any commercial impact whatsoever.
As such, the success of your initiatives, product launches and corporate strategy often boils down to how well your salespeople tell your story.
Great salespeople intuitively know how to tell a story that creates differentiation, yet few companies can replicate this skill and ability across the entire sales organization.
Do you need this for your business - connect with me today