Why is it important to keep on drilling down on the open questions you use until you find out what challenges your client is facing.
Opening ended questio0ns prompt the beginning of a longer conversation, this is really important and the better the question the better the response. These questions shouldn't be robotic but organic and should flow in the conversation.
Here are some example questions you can ask when your in initial discovery conversations with your potential client.
1. ""What is your desired result you need to achieve?"
2. “What are your long-term goals?" short-term goals/Objectives?
3. "What does this purchase mean to you? What does it mean to your company?"
4. "What is your company hoping to accomplish in the next year?"
5. "How does your team aims to play in your department's overall strategy?"
6. "What do you perceive as your utmost strength? Weakness?"
7. "How does your company gage the plausible of new products or services?"
8. "Who has your business now? Why did you select that vendor?"
9. "What are your purchasing criteria, and how do measure its success conditions?"
10. "Where would you put the importance regarding price, value, and service?"
Learn more and make sure you use active listening to help build rapport so you bring value to your prospect or clients.